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Reflections and news from our Pastor and Youth Minister
to help you stay connected and go deeper in your faith.
Hamilton, American History, and How to Reconcile Complexity
In case you've been living under a rock, Hamilton (Lin-Manuel Miranda's wildly popular rapsical about Alexander Hamilton and the Founding...
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What's your Spiritual Direction?
Okay I'll admit it, I enjoyed the pun in last week's title, so I wanted to do another one for this week. Everyone loves to hate on puns,...
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Sun's Out, Puns Out
If you haven't noticed from the absolutely scorching temperatures we had this past weekend, summer is in full swing. I always run hot, so...
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It's Time to Examine Yourself
Do you like history class? It was one of my favorite subjects (along with anything that wasn't math), but I've heard from a lot of people...
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What is "The Chosen?"
In times of great stress and unrest, it's critical that we take time to make sure we're healthy both mentally and physically. I've...
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"And Jesus wept."
This is not what any of us hoped for when we complained about the lack of stories other than coronavirus in the media. As you have no...
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Take me to Church
For all who didn't see it, the Archdiocese of Hartford put out a "trailer" for the reintroduction of public masses last week! I'll link...
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I'll be honest, I'm going to let my sports nut side out a bit here. I want to talk a bit today about the return of some sports, and how...
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Should we celebrate?
Sunday was, by far, the busiest day I have had in quarantine. Aside from being Mother's Day, it was supposed to be my younger sister's...
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Well, there is some light at the end of this tunnel. As many of you have likely heard, Governor Lamont is targeting a "soft opening" for...
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Grounding Points and One Heck of a Bounce Back
Hi everyone! I hope you're all staying sane during this craziness. By my reckoning, this is my seventh (SEVENTH!) week of quarantine, and...
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What's the Deal with Tiger King? (SPOILERS)
We've been in quarantine for about a month now. I don't know about you, but I've gotten a bit bored. Thankfully, we are blessed to live...
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How to "Empty Your Tomb"
Alleluia, He is risen! Death is defeated and the grave is no more. I hope you all had a blessed, safe, and healthy Easter Sunday. I know...
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Holy Week in Quarantine
This will certainly be a Holy Week that we remember for the rest of our lives. There is a lot of pain and sorrow in the fact that we will...
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Lazarus and Coronavirus
How's everybody doing? Okay I hope? It's important to keep checking in on each other, especially those who live alone, during times like...
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The Theology of Rest
Well...I really didn't expect to be giving this much up for Lent. I'm guessing this photo is a lot of us right now. Laying on the couch...
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Jesus the Divine Physician
I'm probably not alone in thinking these are crazy, historic times. All major sports seasons are suspended, people are working from home,...
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Joy (and where it comes from)
Joy is a slippery thing. It's one of those concepts that's really hard to come up with a definition for, but we know it when we see it. I...
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Cactus Leather, Return of the King, and Stewardship
I saw an article on Facebook the other day that caught my eye immediately. It spoke about two men in Mexico who have created "vegan...
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How is it Lent already?!
Man, 2020 is really flying by. Am I the only one who feels like Christmas was yesterday? This is wild! But Lent is here, whether we...
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