In emergency situations, like storms and power outages, the authorities issue lists of essentials for staying safe. There are essential elements to not only survive, but thrive in the spiritual life. Which of these do you need to grow in?
1. The Mass
a. The Mass is the source and the summit of our faith
b. Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist is the most important thing we can do
c. Try to go more often than just on Sunday if you are able to
2. Eucharistic Adoration
a. Adoration flows from the Mass and helps us enter more fully into it
b. This is a great way to answer Christ’s plea in His Agony, “Could you not spend one hour with me?”
3. Prayer
a. Spending dedicated time in quiet prayer is essential to growing spiritually
b. Helps us get to know Jesus and become more like him
c. Start with 10 minutes of conversing with Jesus
4. Study the Bible
a. God speaks to us through His Word
b. One of the best ways to get to know Jesus Christ and how we are to follow Him
5. Confession
a. Start by going once a month
b. Make a good examination of conscience
6. Marian Devotion
a. Jesus gave us Mary as our mother at the foot of the cross
b. Mary was the most perfect disciple and did the will of God perfectly – she will teach us how to do the same
7. Strive for humility
a. This is the “shortcut” to being a Saint