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Every Monday

Our Lady's Rosary Group

Join fellow parishioners to pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet! There will also be Marian consecrations and spiritual reading. We'd love to have you!


Every Wednesday

Eucharistic Adoration

 Sit and pray in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Adoration Chapel at The Epiphany House. 


First Sunday of Each Month

id Community Breakfast & Fellowship

Join the i.d.9:16 community for coffee, donuts, and fellowship after the 9:00am Mass! This event will be held in the Parish Center on the first Sunday of every month. Stop by and say hello! Next date is October 6, 2024.

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Pro-Life Rosary

Come pray for life! Join us for a Pro-Life Rosary on August 6th, and September 17th in Saint. Bridget Church. We'd love to have you join us in entrusting the dignity of life from conception to natural death to Our Lady!


Monday Nights beginning 7/24/2023

id 9:16 Men's Group
7:00 - 8:30PM

Join us and fellow men between the ages of 20 and 60 on Monday nights for prayer, and discussion.

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Next Generation of Disciples High School Youth Group Meeting

We pride ourselves on being a friendly, welcoming environment where all can come and enjoy themselves! We encourage any and all high schoolers to come make some new friends while developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We play games, eat snacks, discuss things openly and honestly, have movie nights, serve others together, and much more! Meeting begin again in January. We'd love to have you!


Third Saturday of Each Month

id Community Dinners

Join the i.d.9:16 community for a community dinner, with time for fellowship, monthly video/topic discussion, and prayer. Upcoming dates are: August 17, and October 19. 


3rd Saturday of each month

i.d.9:16 Disciples Group

Adults aged 21-50 are invited to join the i.d.9:16 Disciples for talk,  discussion, fellowship, and dinner. Meetings are 4:00-8:00pm in the Parish Center on the third Saturday of every month. Childcare will be provided by the Next Generation of Disciples high school youth group and our Confirmation program for those with small children!


Every Monday

Eucharistic Adoration

Join fellow parishioners as they sit and pray in the presence of Jesus Christ. 

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Every Thursday


Join us for bingo every Thursday evening in the Parish Center! Doors open at 5:30pm (food is available for purchase), and games begin at 7:00. We're usually wrapped up by 9:45, so come and test your luck! You could win REAL cash, and all proceeds benefit St. Bridget School!


2nd weekend of each month

Every 2nd Weekend

Join fellow parishioners for Coffee/And on the 2nd weekend of each month! This event will run from 4:30-6:30pm on Saturdays in the Parish Center, and 8:00am-12:00pm on Sundays in the Parish Center. There will also be free blood pressure screenings available courtesy of the Wellness & Health Ministry!

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